

Introducing Plural Public Law

My inaugural lecture as the University Research Chair in Administrative Law & Governance takes place on Wednesday evening, 5pm (register here). Here is the introductory section of the lecture. The rest will follow on Wednesday evening... We live in a world of increasing complexity, submerged by tidal waves of statutes, delegated legislation, soft law, judicial […] Read more


Administrative Law Values V: Substantive Review

I have a new essay on SSRN, “Administrative Law: A Values-Based Approach“, prepared for the inaugural Public Law Conference at the University of Cambridge later this year. This is the latest in a series of mini-posts. Download the whole essay here. Substantive Review In many jurisdictions it is now accepted that where an administrative decision-maker […] Read more

From Blogger

Regulatory Capture and Agency Inaction

There is an interesting piece over at the RegBlog on agency capture and review by America’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of agency inaction. Michael Livermore and Richard Revesz argue that agency failures to act may well result from agency capture and may be as damaging as inefficient agency action resulting from capture. Accordingly, […] Read more