Now Out: Administrative Law in Context 4th ed (Emond Montgomery, Toronto, 2021)

I am happy to say the fourth edition of Administrative Law in Context has hit the shelves. I was lucky enough to be asked to fill Lorne Sossin’s sizeable shoes as Colleen Flood’s co-editor and to work with a wonderful roster of contributors (adding Alexandra Flynn, Jennifer Raso and Martine Valois). There are new chapters on Vavilov, of course, municipalities, front-line adjudication, administrative independence, habeas corpus in the prison context, and the public-private divide. The material is broken up into four parts: Part I on the key themes and concepts (the rule of law, delegation, remedies and reconciliation; Part II on procedural fairness; Part III on substantive review; and Part IV on the different forums in which the key themes and the principles of procedural fairness and substantive review are given life.

Here is the Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: A Map for the Complex World of Administrative Decision-Making and Law.

Part I: Key Themes and Concepts
Chapter 2: What People Want, What They Get, and the Administrative State
Chapter 3: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the Rule of Law but were Afraid to Ask in Class
Chapter 4: Delegation and Consultation: How the Administrative State Functions and the Importance of Rules
Chapter 5: Realizing Aboriginal Administrative Law

Part II: Procedural Fairness
Chapter 6: Fair Processes for Just Outcomes: The Principles and Practices of Procedural Fairness
Chapter 7: A Charter Twist on Procedural Fairness
Chapter 8: The Duty of the Administrative State to Consult Indigenous Peoples
Chapter 9: The Architecture of Fairness: Independence, Impartiality, and Bias
Chapter 10: Spanning the Constitutional Divide Between the Judiciary and The Executive: The Ill-Fated Nature of Administrative Tribunals

Part III: Substantive Review
Chapter 11: A Short History of Standard of Review
Chapter 12: Big Bang Theory: Vavilov’s New Framework for Substantive Review
Chapter 13: One of these things is not like the other: Vavilov and Municipal Decision-Making
Chapter 14: International Human Rights Norms and the Substantive Review of Administrative Decision-Making
Chapter 15: The Charter and Administrative Law: Substantive Review

Part IV: Forums
Chapter 16: Fairness in Context: Achieving Fairness through Access to Administrative Justice Chapter 17: Habeas Corpus Unbound
Chapter 18: Much Ado About Quite A Bit: Administrative Agencies
Chapter 19: At the Core of Things: Section 96 of the Constitution Act, 1867 and Administrative Law
Chapter 20: Crown Liability for Negligent Administrative Action
Chapter 21: 3Ps: A Public/Private Primer

You can order the book here.

This content has been updated on November 22, 2021 at 14:02.