Publications 2013
Book chapters
"Courts and Copyright: Some Thoughts on Standard of Review" in Michael Geist ed., The Copyright Pentalogy: How the Supreme Court of Canada Shook the Foundations of Canadian Copyright Law , University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa, 2013
"Le contrôle de la légalité de l’administration",dans JurisClasseur Québec, coll. « Droit public », Droit administratif, fasc.11, Montréal, LexisNexis Canada, 2013
Reviews and Others
Opinion pieces
Paul Daly, UK Constitutional Law Group Blog , "Taking Statutes Seriously" , July 26, 2012
Paul Daly, Montreal Gazette, "Appeal Court Erred with Registry" , July 2, 2013
Paul Daly, UK Constitutional Law Group Blog , "Death, Democracy and Delegation" , May 14, 2013
Paul Daly, Human Rights in Ireland Blog, "Guidelines and Assisted Suicide", April 29, 2013
Paul Daly, National Post , "Supreme Court not likely to entertain an appeal after Rob Ford wins his appeal on a ‘technicality’" , January 25, 2013