DRT 6568 : Biens immobiliers (Real Property)

Course Abstract


The law of property is home to some of the driest terms in the legal lexicon– e.g.estates, testamentary dispositions, fixtures–but these terms relate to important issues in the lives of ordinary people.

In this course, we will cover issues such as: whether human body parts can be owned ; what the bank can do if you fail to make your mortgage payments on time ; and whether it is lawful to set up an organization to disperse money in a racist or sexist manner.

The objective is give students a general introduction to the common law of property,which will assist in developing their ability to analyze, discuss and argue about common law concepts. The method of instruction will primarily be lecture,but with class participation and discussion where possible.

Learning Objectives

Knowing That


(a)The theoretical foundations of private property;

(b)There cognition, creation and regulation of property rights at common law;

(c)The various rights and interests in land and how they may be exploited ; and

(d)The difference between common law property and Aboriginal title.


Knowing How

(a)How the theoretical foundations of private property influence the common law;

(b)How to critique judicial reasoning by reference to its (often-hidden) premises;

(c)How to argue for change, development and extension of the common law; and

(d)How to place the common law relative to other systems of property law.

This content has been updated on June 10, 2015 at 14:41.