Administrative law | Page 5


The Scope and Meaning of Reasonableness Review

Questions continue to abound about the standard of review of administrative action in Canada. For something apparently simplified in Dunsmuir v. New Brunswick and subsequent cases, it provokes a great many questions. The key question now, in light of the “triumph” of reasonableness, is the scope and meaning of reasonableness review. To what does the […] Read more

From Blogger

Common Law Restraints on Discretionary Powers: S156-2013 v. Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, [2014] HCA 22

An old debate in administrative law concerns the appropriate role of courts in imposing common law restrictions on discretionary powers. For example, when a statute says “X may, in his absolute discretion, do Y”, are any limitations of fairness or rationality implied by the common law? The modern tendency has been to admit that there […] Read more

Continuing professional development

Attaquer une décision en révision judiciaire

J’essayerai lors de cet exposé du droit canadien en matière de révision judiciaire de fournir quelques conseils pratiques aux plaideurs qui contestent des décisions administratives.Admettons dès le départ que le sort des plaideurs n’est pas enviable. La décision administrative est présumée valide et l’individu mécontent qui intente un recours devant les tribunaux de justice se […] Read more

Continuing professional development

2013-2014: Administrative Law’s Best and Worst

Finding it tough to keep up with the latest developments in administrative law? These comprehensive materials contain a fast-paced review of the highlights, including pivotal cases and legislation. Also included is practical advice and strategies for all clients, whether individuals, the government, or tribunals. Read more