Some Upcoming Vavilov Events

My calendar is starting to fill up with Vavilov-related events. Here’s a list of those accessible to the public (typically for a fee). I’ll add further links (and further events) as I have them:

February 6

Canadian Bar Association, Webinar (with Professor Jamie Liew and Justice David Stratas)

February 19 and 20

Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, Webinar for Legislative Drafters (the second day will be in French)

March 9

Osgoode Professional Development’s Annual Administrative Law Programme, Toronto (other panellists to be confirmed; I’ll be featuring via videoconference)

April 3

Canadian Bar Association Annual Immigration Law Conference, Montreal (with Barbara Jackman, Justice Yves de Montigny and Ronald Poulton)

Osgoode’s Annual Constitutional Cases Conference, Toronto (with Professor Audrey Macklin and Justice Lorne Sossin; I’ll be featuring via videoconference)

April 8

Journées stratégiques droit disciplinaire et droit administratif, Montréal

May 7

Courts and Politics Research Group 2020 Spring Workshop, Guelph

May 15

Conference organized by Professor Daniel Mockle and Marc Mancini, with Éditions Yvon Blais, Montréal

May 29

Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, Annual National Roundtable, Gatineau

June 2

Canadian Council on Administrative Tribunals, Annual Conference, Gatineau (with Justice Lorne Sossin)

This content has been updated on February 13, 2020 at 16:23.